RTBI National Conference and AGM

I would like to congratulate Area 8 Tabler John Kilshaw of Horwich, Westhoughton & District 989 Round Table on his election to the office of National President of RTBI.

This is a very proud moment for all of us here in Area 8. It has been over thirty years since we last had a National President from our Area and I am sure I speak for all of us when I wish the new President all the very best in his year of office.

Thanks go to all those who attended National AGM for ensuring their clubs had a voice and a vote and also for showing their support for John. Our interruption of proceedings on the night has been hailed as “the best in years” and I thank all those involved for making this happen – especially Mark Hodges (words escape me!).

Congratulations also go to Nicholas Ormerod of Leyland 665 who continues to collect awards and accolades for his sterling work as part of the National Membership and Development team.

Mark “Fester” Howard
Area 8 Chairman
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